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Community news

Here’s a quick round up for you from the Darlaston & Bentley team

If you want to report anything to us anonymously you can via| Crime stoppers (crimestoppers-uk.org) – you can call them on 0800 555 111

Any other issues you can contact us via the 101 number or via the web chat facility


The Darlaston team have been busy over our tours of duty, here’s a roundup of what’s been happening.

1 X arrest for a breach of court order.

We have been doing schools patrols around the area due to the ongoing parking issues, Tickets will be issued if blocking pavements and Zig Zag parking continues.

1 member of the NHT have been into a Junior School to give a lecture on all emergency services and the work they do in the community 

And another has given an input on knife crime and the dangers of getting involved in this type of activity

1X CPW (community protection warning) has been issued for persistent ASB

2X CPN (community protection notice ) issued to 2 brothers for ignoring a CPW for continuing to cause issues at a local store ( begging )

Business and community burglary | Your Options | West Midlands Police (west-midlands.police.uk)

Residential burglary | Your Options | West Midlands Police (west-midlands.police.uk)

Theft from motor vehicle | Your Options | West Midlands Police (west-midlands.police.uk)

Theft of motor vehicle | Your Options | West Midlands Police (west-midlands.police.uk)


PCSO Hinton

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Message Sent By
Tony Hinton
(West Midlands Police, PCSO, WS Darlaston NHT)

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