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Community update

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Update of what had been happening



Hello, and welcome to your round up from the St Matthew’s Neighbourhood Policing Team. Keeping the different communities in St Matthew’s informed of just some of the activities that we have done recently.


Some things that we have been doing on our patch:


A PCSO from the team took part in a mid-week, morning walk/patrol with the volunteers of the Rushall Hall Streetwatch group.  The volunteers and PCSO walked in and around their local community. The patrol is managed and co-ordinated by the group themselves. This group have recently done other walks in the community themselves without the support of PCSO and reported issues of concern appropriately, as they are trained to do so.


PCSO’s patrolled around the Crown Wharf and canal wharf area of Walsall town centre, they were invited to attend a warden managed apartment building, who were holding a residents meeting.  The group of residents shared issues of concern about their neighbourhood/community, and received advice and support from the team to help with the issues that were raised, which was well received.

PC's and PCSO's accompanied trading standards who targeted shops in Walsall town centre around the selling of illegal vapes. This is a concern to alot of the public including underage use of vapes. This is being addressed by PCSO's on patrol in the town centre who are confiscating the vapes from anyone who is underage. Along side this, continuing to tackle drinking in the town has helped with the reduction of anti social behaviour, while PC's made a number of arrests.  




Keeping in touch with us:

The teams are out and about in your community, please stop to say hello to us. 

To get in touch with us at St Matthew’s NHT about community issues or intelligence that is not a 999 emergency, you can use the following ways:

On line via stmatthews@west-midlands.pnn.police.uk

You can follow us on x (formerly Twitter) account @stmatthewsWMP

You can report crime, if it is not a 999 emergency, using: www.west-midlands.police.uk 




A thank you from the team:


For all volunteers that we have worked with and who have done their bit and continue to support their communities.

For those people who we have spoken with and have received intelligence from across the St Matthews patch. We are always happy to engage in conversation and listen to issues and concerns.



The St Matthew’s NHT 



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Message Sent By
Matthew Cockrill
(West Midlands Police, PCSO, St Matthews Team 1)

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