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Rural Weekly Update

The warmer months are certainly on their way and we at the Rurals are looking forward to spending the summer with you, however do not let the heat of the moment cloud your judgement on security measures, vehicle crime and burglary are two of our biggest issues. Make sure that your security systems are up to date and that you are locking your vehicles and hiding your keys away safely. 
As of late we are seeing an influx of a lot more Burglaries, We understand the devastating impact burglaries and home invasions can have on the lives of individuals in the community. Such incidents remain a local Force priority, which is part of the reason we have recently restructured the way we work to enable us to deal with burglary better.
What can you do to feel secure?
•    Get a locksmith to change the barrel in your doors to an Anti-snap lock
•    Invest in security lighting, alarms, cameras.
•    Join Neighbourhood Watch to look after your street.
•    Join Streetwatch and patrol your area.

Vehicle crime:
Alongside burglaries we are seeing more vehicle theft, With the advent of keyless vehicle as well unfortunately we are seeing criminals adapt and become more hi-tech.
What can you do?
•    Use a faraday bag/box/pouch for your car key – These devices block the signal used by the would-be thieves’ jammer/transponder. 
•    Attach a steering wheel lock - this is a great physical and visual deterrent.
•    Remove valuables left inside your vehicle - including tools, if it’s a work vehicle.

Tool Theft:

Unfortunately some of the most common vehicles being broken into are Ford Transits containing power tools, these are then flogged at local car boots, flea markets or anywhere that cash in hand can be exchanged. Two things we can do as the general public to help stop this pandemic of tool theft.

1. For the owners, Marking all tools with identification initials or your name can help prove ownership if they are stolen. You can use a permanent marker, paint, or even scratch your name into handles to recognise your property should they be recovered after theft and make it difficult for a thief to sell them on.
2. For the Public, be vigilant, if you are purchasing second hand tools look out for any initials of ownership or if the names of the owner have been attempted to be etched away. If you think someone is selling stolen power tools alert the police and let us conduct an investigation.



Crimes Update:
•    11/05/2024 – Burglary on Lady Byron Lane, accessed was gained via rear door, wallet taken along with car keys, no car taken as owner woke up just in time to discourage any more efforts.

Meriden & Balsall Common:
•    09/05/2024 – Vehicle theft at Hampton lane Ford Transit BT10HYH.
•    09/05/2024 – Criminal damage on station road where the bushes were ripped up and a fence was destroyed.
•    10/05/2024 – Burglary at Long brook Barn where the owner has come back home to find a white jaguar parked on their drive which has then drove off, owner has entered their property to find it has been burgled.
•    13/05/2024 – Burglary on Greenways Farm where Offenders have smashed a rear window and taken goods such as jewelry from inside and made off, this is still under investigation.

Dorridge and Hockley Heath:
None to report for Dorridge and Hockley Heath this week

•    07/05/2024 – Burglary of a business where offenders have cut the lock to the back gate and stolen numerous power tools.
•    10/05/2024 – Theft of a motor vehicle on Elmdon road, a ford puma BLACK BL23WEX
•    13/05/2024 – 2 cases of theft from a shop in the same day at the one stop on station road with a total overall value over £100 worth of goods taken.                    
What are we doing?
•    Burglary Patrols – We are conducting hi visibility and plain clothes patrols in burglary hotspots in the area.
•    Community Speedwatch events in Hockley Heath.
•    Community Streetwatch events in Knowle.


As always, we’d love to hear from you if you have any feedback or suggestions. 
Please report any suspicious behaviour on the link below or call 101
Incident report | West Midlands Police (west-midlands.police.uk)

Thanks for your continued support,
The Rural Neighbourhood Team

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Message Sent By
Tom Wilkins
(Police, Constable, Balsall Common Rurals Solihull NPU)

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