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General Message Bloxwich NHT

Good afternoon ,

Hope you are all having a good week and are looking forward to the weekend. Below is a summary of some of the work the Bloxwich Policing Team have been doing over the last week. 

  • Our patrols in Bloxwich Hight Street have continued and officers arrested a female on suspicion of shop theft during the week. 

  • We have continued to target our patrols in areas where we’ve had reports of ASB including areas where we’ve had reports of the illegal use of off-road motorbikes. Our patrols also gave us with the opportunity to meet and engage with people who wanted to talk to us about local concerns or ask for crime prevention advice. 

  • Earlier in the week we visited Edgar Stammers Primary Academy where we had the opportunity to speak to children about policing in walsall and what we do to keep people safe 

  • Last Saturday we attended the D-Day 80th Anniversary Event at All Saints Church, an amazing day. We would like to thank the Bloxwich Branch of the Royal British Legion for inviting us to be part of this event. 

  • Crime Prevention 

    Summer is fast approaching and while we enjoy the warm weather, let's not forget about keeping ourselves, our loved ones and our property safe this Summer.  

    We have lots of information and advice on our website that will help you stay safe and protect your valuables. Visit our crime prevention page on our website by clicking here. 



    As national Volunteer’s Week and Neighbourhood Watch Week comes to an end, I wanted to thank our Street Watch and Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators and members for your voluntary service in helping to make Bloxwich a safer place to live and work. Your efforts are very much appreciated by Walsall Police and your community. 


    If you are interested in getting involved in a community safety initiative such as Street Watch or Neighbourhood Watch, please get in touch by replying to this WMNow message, alternatively you can email us at: bloxwich@westmidlands.police.uk  

    Please do not use this email or WMNow to report a crime or anything that needs urgent police attention. 

    Please have a safe and enjoyable weekend 

    Bloxwich Neighbourhood Team 

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    Message Sent By
    Miguel Pojega
    (West Midlands Police, PCSO, WS Bloxwich )

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