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Here is your quick round up from me and the rest of the Sherbourne neighbourhood policing team.

Dear Resident,
Here is your quick round up from me and the rest of the Sherbourne neighbourhood policing team.
What’s been happening?

The team started the set of strong this week with the recovery of a cloned van. The vehicle which had been parked up in a quiet residential road had been left at the location for a number of days after being dropped off in the early hours of the morning. The persons who had left the location had made attempts to clone the vehicle but the number plate they used was not for a van instead it was for a BMW saloon car. Officers attended the location and conducted checks on the vehicle. The vehicle identification number (VIN) had been deliberately hidden. This along with the attempt to hide the vehicles true identity with a false plate allowed officers to seize the vehicle as cloned/suspected stolen. Once with our recovery agents attempts will be made to identify the vehicles correct identity and we will be able to ascertain if the vehicle is stolen or not. 

Sticking with the seizure of vehicles two of our officers stopped a male on Thursday after he was seen to drive off at speed. Once the officers had conducted checks on the vehicle they were able to ascertain that the driver had no driving licence and no insurance for the vehicle. The vehicle itself had no MOT since September 2023 (9 months!). The vehicle was seized from the male and he will be dealt with for the motoring offences. 


Crime Figures.

There has been Six reported vehicle offences on the Sherbourne Ward over the past Fourteen Days (2 Weeks). There was One Theft of a Motor Vehicle offence reported with a vehicle being taken from Dulverton Avenue. A Further One Attempted Theft of Motor Vehicle offence was reported on Grayswood Avenue. There were Two Theft from Motor Vehicle offences that took place on Dulverton Avenue & Dallington Avenue. There were Two interference with Motor Vehicle offences that took place on Holyhead Road & Rushmoor Drive

There has been NO (0) reported Burglary Offences on the Sherbourne Ward over the past Fourteen Days (2 Weeks). 


Get involved.
Streetwatch is a community patrol initiative that helps you make a difference where you live. Street watch gives you and your community an opportunity to keep your area safe, including just walking round your neighbourhood, which can really help. Local police keep in regular contact with street watch members to share information and work in partnership with you.
If you are interested in taking part in a Streetwatch within the Sherbourne area you can contact the Holbrook, Radford, Sherbourne & Bablake team on holbrookandradford@westmidlands.police.uk

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Message Sent By
Alan Minten
(Police, PCSO, Holbrooks, Radford, Sherbourne & Bablake )

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