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Weekly update from the Oldbury Neighbourhood Policing team

Dear Resident,



Here’s a quick round up from me and the rest of the Oldbury Neighbourhood team. 


What’s been happening


  • Oldbury officers have attended a property which was cultivating cannabis, 49 plants found and removed for disposal, ongoing investigation.   

  • Officers have been on few hospitals watches this week. This is where someone they have arrested is deemed too unfit to be in custody and they have to go to hospital.

  • Neighbourhood officers went out to an address to arrested a male who was wanted for criminal damage and a bladed article in a public place, unfortunately it was a negative result. We will continue our search. 

  • Oldbury officers conducted proactive patrols which led to a vehicle being seized, preventing a motorist continuing to drive outside of their licence entitlement.  


  • PCSO from the Oldbury neighbourhood was asked to attend a careers event which was being held at Moat Farm Primary School. Great question asked, future officers in the making. 






















  • Officers came across a stray dog while out on patrols. Thankfully the rightful owners turned up. A few words of advice were given to the owners. 


  • Burglary – Opportunist and Warmer Weather

  • ☀️ Keep your home safe during the summer months
  • 🔑 Don't leave spare keys in obvious places like under doormats or flower pots. 
  • ✅ Consider giving a spare key to a trusted neighbour or invest in a secure key lockbox.
  • Make sure your sheds and garages are locked and secured. 🔐
  • Always tidy away your garden tools and lock ladders away to stop burglars from using them.
  • ✅Watch our video for tips on keeping your shed and tools safe this summer ☀️ https://youtu.be/D72YXvEYwPQ

  •  We have had Recently a spate of Attempt Burglaries. The things below are a preventative 


    Bloxwich Police on X:






                   How an Anti Snap Lock can prevent a Burglary!



    From the below image you can see that by fitting by an anti-snap euro cylinder lock to these UPVC doors, a burglary attempt has been stopped.





    What lock is used to stop lock snapping?

    The lock on the above door protecting it from snapping is a euro cylinder lock that is tested and approved to SS312 diamond standard, which makes the lock Anti Snap.

    How a lock will protect against lock snapping:

  • Lock must be tested against lock snapping
    – SS312 Diamond approved lock cylinders have been tested to resist this particular type of attack
    – Changing your euro profile cylinders will protect your door, providing you with an anti-snap lock on your door.
  • Fit the lock correctly – a locksmith will also make sure the lock is fitted correctly, not fitting in the correct way will lead it prone to snapping.
  • There are different sizes of euro locks – Cylinders are available in various sizes, so fitting the correct size is vital.
  • To get one of these fitted we recommend contacting your local MLA approved locksmith who can advise you on getting one installed to your front and back doors.






    A thanks to

  • To the members of staff/child at Moat Farm Primary School allowing us to attend their careers event, 
  • The general public for their ongoing support by sharing information with us, and trying to keep our community a safer place. 

    Next week…

  • We are attending a couple of our primary schools to do some inputs 
  •  Continuing our hot spot patrols

    Reply to this message

    Message Sent By
    Craig Chance
    (West Midlands Police, PCSO, SW Oldbury Neighbourhood )

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