The Police
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Summer Safety

Dear Residents.


During the Summer months, we know that people want to let the fresh air in and dust off the winter blues. Be careful not to welcome in burglars who will take any opportunity to steal from your home. 

Keeping your doors, windows and porches closed and securely locked are important, especially if you are outside or entertaining people in your garden.

It’s equally important to keep your patio doors and outside space secure. We have had an increasing number of reports of burglars entering homes via the back door, conservatory doors, or through the garage. 

UPVC doors or doors with Euro Cylinders should have DHF TS007 3 Star or Sold Secure Diamond Standard Anti-Bump replacement cylinders fitted. Always consult a Master Locksmiths Association accredited locksmith if you are unsure. Badly fitted Euro Cylinders can compromise your security.

We encourage you to put away any tools, ladders and stools after use and to lock up your shed/garage once you are done. Take note of where your wheelie bins are stored – burglars will often use wheelie bins to get on top of a garage roof or gain access to a side entrance/garden fence. 


Thank You

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Message Sent By
Richard Gwynne
(West Midlands Police, Engagement Consultation Officer, Dudley )

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