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Community Safety News

Update from the Castle and Priory, Russell’s Hall/Milking Bank Neighbourhood Policing Team


Dear Residents,


We are continuing to target criminals, illegal drivers, those involved in violence and anti-social behaviour in Dudley Town Centre and within our neighbourhoods.


What’s been happening


•      Neighbourhood Team Operations


Pro Laser Speeding Operations have been carried out on several locations within the Dudley area - to deter any speeding motorists.  Drivers who were found speeding have been reported for consideration of prosecution by the Central Ticket Office.


•      Arrests Dudley Town Centre


Officers have issued warnings and prosecutions for the PSPO (Public Space Protection Order) within Dudley Town Centre, to include drinking within a public space and anti-social behaviour.


•      High Visibility Patrols


Officers continue to carry out high visibility patrols within the hot spots on Dudley Town Centre and surrounding locations, which in turn has seen a positive impact on the overnight crimes which are reported to Police.  


•      Community Event – St John’s Ambulance (Badgers) Dudley


PCSO’s have attended and delivered an educational talk on knife crime prevention and a ‘People Who Support Your Community’ input. 


A big thank you to; 


Our Russell’s Hall/London Heights Street Watch groups for their continued hard work and support for the local community.  


If anyone is interested in supporting these groups or starting new ones within your area, please contact the Dudley Neighbourhood Team for further information.


If you have any intelligence which you wish to share with us, please email:





LPA - Dudley Central Team 2

‘Working in partnership, making communities safer’      

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Message Sent By
Ange Perry
(Police, PCSO, Dudley Central Team 2 Castle and Priiory)

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