The Police
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Weekly Update

Good Afternoon Resident


Over the past week there has been two burglaries. One property had the door lock snapped and offender/s stole a television. The other property had a window smashed, offender/s have then gained entry and stole a wallet.  There was also a theft from motor vehicle. The offender/s have smashed the car window and stole £30 cash.  


Please ensure you empty your vehicles of all items, never leave items on display. Please invest in anti snap locks for all your exterior doors to your property.


For more crime prevention advice please visit Secured By Design or click on the link below





We had calls in relation to ASB around a church in the Selly Oak area. Due to several Hi-Vis Patrols around the times given we obtained details of the group and they were spoken to. Since this we have had no further issues



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Message Sent By
Julie Jeffries
(Police, PCSO, Selly Oak Neighbourhood Team)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials