The Police
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Here’s a quick update from St Michaels Neighbourhood Policing Team 2

What’s been happening in your neighbourhood;


  • An officer’s intuition paid off!!! Sighting a male acting in a curious way, our plain clothes officers observed from a distance, this then escalated into a foot chase with our officer’s eventually securing the detention of the male. We were able to recover a substantial amount of suspected class B drugs that otherwise would have been heading for the City Centre!!

  • Here at Central Police Station Coventry we have a very well established and productive working relationship with CV ONE who are responsible for the operation of City Centre CCTV cameras. This week in particular has been extremely productive in identifying and tracking down people causing antisocial behaviour in the City Centre. With the support of the camera team, officers on foot chase were guided to the final location of a group of youths how had caused nuisance in Broadgate.

  •  We continue to conduct our hi-visibility GUARDIAN PATROLS in high impact areas such as FAR GOSFORD STREET, MILLENIUM PLACE, LADY HERBERT GARDENS and THE BURGESS with the purpose to deter/disperse the initial signs of ASB (anti-social behaviour).  We continue to work closely with Coventry City Council enforcing appropriate Community Protection Warnings as consequences of any ASB behaviour. We are pleased to share our presence within the city provide ‘the right message’ and reassurance to citizens using Coventry City Centre.

  • With the warmer weather coming, please be mindful and remember your crime prevention, when inside your property and when leaving your property.

    Even if you can remember some key steps to help reduce the risk of burglary or vehicle crime…
    * Please ensure if you open a window, always close and lock it when you leave the room or go out!
    * Hot weather can also lead to increase use of gardens and their associated equipment (bikes, bbq's and gardening tools etc.). Please keep all equipment secure and locked up and out of sight after use. By doing so this will deter any thefts or criminal activity in or around your property.
    * Remember to close your windows on your cars and don't leave any valuables on display. Often Officers see unattended vehicles with windows left open as owners either forget or are ventilating their vehicles. This is unfortunately an open opportunity for criminals to exploit.

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    Message Sent By
    Gem Moore
    (Police, PCSO, St Michaels)

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