The Police
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Keep Your Home Safe

Dear Residents


Summer is here, and while we enjoy the warm weather, let's not forget about keeping homes safe.

Criminals will take advantage of open windows and propped open doors, even if it’s the back door. 

Keep you and your home safe this summer by following these useful tips:

  • Make sure doors and windows are closed and locked. Even if you’re just popping out, lock up and secure your home.
  • Consider installing window locks to prevent intruders from easily opening your windows.
  • Consider installing a home security system with visible cameras and alarm systems to deter burglars.
  • Keep your valuables out of sight. Close blinds or curtains to prevent prying eyes from scouting your belongings. Shutting the blinds will keep your house cooler.
  • Give a spare key to a trusted neighbour or invest in a secure key lockbox.
  • Hosting family or friends in your garden - don’t invite burglars to the party. Keep your side entrance, back door, or garden gate closed/locked.
  • Tidying the garage or dusting off the bikes for summer adventures? Lock up and keep that garage door closed. It takes seconds for thieves to spot and take expensive tools/bikes/motor vehicles.
  • For extra security keep porch doors locked, wheelie bins away from low fences or garages, and sheds secure.

    For more advice from West Midlands Police visit 27 Station Road | West Midlands Police (west-midlands.police.uk)

    To report crime or anything suspicious call 101 or please visit Residential burglary | Your Options | West Midlands Police (west-midlands.police.uk)

    In an emergency always dial 999. 

    Thank You.

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    Message Sent By
    Richard Gwynne
    (West Midlands Police, Engagement Consultation Officer, Dudley )

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