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As the nights draw in Think Security

Good Afternoon Resident


As the nights draw in think security-don't leave it until it's too late.

Doors and windows - In about a third of burglaries, thieves gain access through an open window or door.  Make sure doors and windows are kept locked when you go out, and close them when you leave a room.

Check the condition of door frames and glass panels to make sure they are secure.


Lights and alarms - When you are out, leave a light on to give the impression there is somebody at home.  A light timer switch is fairly cheap to buy and can be easily fitted to operate radio's and lights when you are out, this will give burglars the impression that somebody is in. and don't forget if you have an alarm use it.


Sheds & gardens - Make sure sheds and garages are locked and secure. Always tidy away your garden tools and lock ladders away to stop a burglar using them.

Use a good quality padlock on your shed to protect your property inside it. You can also buy a shed alarm from most DIY stores.



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Toni jones
(POLICE, Police Community Support Officeer, Selly Oak NHT BWMD)

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