The Police
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Weekly update from the Oldbury neighbourhood policing team

Dear Residents,


Here’s a quick round up from me and the rest of the Oldbury neighbourhood policing team. 


What’s been happening


  • Oldbury town PCSO’s and officers have been conducting Patrols of Oldbury Green Retail Park, reassuring our local business, workers, and the public to detect and prevent crime and to offer reassurance where needed.










  • Officers and PCSO’s have been patrolling areas where there’s been issues with a few rough sleepers making sure there is nobody gathering and causing ASB.  

  • PCSOs have been visiting our local churches and have been greeted by the local communities of the churches Everyone was very welcoming. 


















  • PCSO’S and Officers have been conducting area searches of our open spaces, looking for things that may have been used in crime and discarded into the vegetation. What was found was booked into property at a local police station. 

  • Officers and PCSO’s have conducted a street watch around one of our local neighbourhoods, walking around the area with residents of the area looking and discussing to see if there has been any issues. There are a few issues that need to be addressed, we will be dealing with those within the coming weeks.   








  • While out on foot patrol, Oldbury officers came across these ladies who do a lot of good work at the Lion Farm Action Centre. Keep up the great work. 


























  • Now the nights are getting darker, make sure you keep yourself and your home safe. 
  •                If you’re heading out remember to lock up and make it look like someone is at home. 

                   For tips keep to your home safe > https://bit.ly/3soYLy4


  • As nights get darker, we see a rise in break-ins. 
  •                Burglars look for homes that look empty. 

                   If you’re heading out make sure you lock up and make it look like someone is at home.                         



    On Wednesday 25/9/24 Times 10.00 – 13.00pm we are holding a police surgery at Oldbury Library based in Sandwell Council House. Please come and join us if you have the time to discuss any issues you may have.   





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    Message Sent By
    Craig Chance
    (West Midlands Police, PCSO, SW Oldbury Neighbourhood)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials