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Crime update for Selly Oak from 8th September to 15th September 2024

Good Afternoon Resident


I hope you are well and please see below crime update for the Selly Oak area.


Two Residential Burgary of a home - Burglary 1 - Unknown offender(s) have entered via an insecure rear kitchen window and stole a debit card, Apple IPAD.

Burglary 2 -Unknown Offender(s) have smashed a front door and reached through the smashed window taking house keys and a set of car keys.


Attempt Burglary - Unknown Offender(s) have attempted to break in the property.  Forced open a rear patio door and rear garage doors, entry was not gained. Nothing was stolen.


Two Theft from Motor vehicle's both vehicles had their bonnet's removed.


Two Theft of Motor Vehicle - Yaris Toyota Stolen which was locked and secure.

The other vehicle was a Red Honda Motorbike - Unknown Offender(s) have broken the lock which was securing the bike and made off.







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Message Sent By
Toni jones
(POLICE, Police Community Support Officeer, Selly Oak NHT BWMD)

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