The Police
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Here is your quick round up from me and the rest of the Holbrooks neighbourhood policing team.

Dear Resident,
Here is your quick round up from me and the rest of the Holbrooks neighbourhood policing team.
What’s been happening?

This week started well with the recovery of a stolen Ford Fiesta. PCSOs on patrol came across the vehicle parked at the end of a road in an area known for stolen vehicles being left. The PCSOs ran a check on the vehicle which showed it had been stolen a few days before. The vehicle was recovered with the help of our recovery agent and the owner was able to get their car back. 

Our officers have also been busy seizing vehicles during their normal patrols of our areas.

Two vehicles were seized this week this first was an Audi stopped by the officers as it was being driven with no insurance. Further checks showed that the driver did not have a licence and the vehicle was also untaxed.

The second vehicle was a BMW that officers encountered on patrols. The vehicle was showing as no valid tax and further checks showed that the driver did not have insurance for the vehicle.



The police officers on the team assisted the gang’s team with warrants at two addresses in Coventry this week. The officers went with two teams from the gang’s unit to the addresses which resulted in two arrests on suspicion of cannabis cultivation. 


Crime Figures

There were Two reported vehicle offence in the past Nine Days on the Holbrooks Ward. There was One Theft from Motor Vehicle offence that took place on Braytoft Close. There was One Theft of Motor Vehicle offence with a car stolen from Wheelwright Lane.

There were Three reported burglary offence in the past Nine Days on the Holbrooks Ward. There were Two Burglary of a Residential Home that took place on Meggit Avenue and Burnaby Road. The Third was an Attempted Burglary of a Residential Home that took place on Burnaby Road.


Get involved.
Streetwatch is a community patrol initiative that helps you make a difference where you live. Street watch gives you and your community an opportunity to keep your area safe, including just walking round your neighbourhood, which can really help. Local police keep in regular contact with street watch members to share information and work in partnership with you.
If you are interested in taking part in a Streetwatch within the Holbrooks area you can contact the Holbrook, Radford, Sherbourne

& Bablake team on holbrookandradford@westmidlands.police.uk


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Message Sent By
Alan Minten
(Police, PCSO, Holbrooks, Radford, Sherbourne & Bablake)

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