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Community up date

Hello, and welcome to your round up from the St Matthew’s Neighbourhood Policing Team. Keeping the different communities in St Matthew’s informed of just some of the activities that we have done recently.


Some things that we have been doing on our patch:


Some of the team have been out and about with Greensquare Accord support staff.  Working in partnership with the support staff, we visited properties and locations across Caldmore where issues such as Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB), and neighbourhood issues have been problematic within the different Greensquare Accord projects and the wider community around them. During this particular patrol there were no issues that arose, but residents who we spoke with were pleased to see the team and the Greensquare Accord officers out and about in their community. These visits are based on intelligence that is received from those people living in the communities that are affected.


Due to ASB incidents in Walsall Town Centre you may have noticed a higher visibility presence from your St Matthew’s teams.  As part of this high visibility presence, the team have conducted a knife arch operation in an alleyway that links the St Paul’s bus station with Park Street. There were some stop searches made by the PC’s. Also, we received some positive feedback from members of the public who passed through as we were offering them safety reassurance during their time in the town.


Advice from the team:


During the winter months, particularly during cold snaps, vehicles are stolen off driveways as owners leave them unattended to warming up.  Victims leave vehicles, with keys in the ignition while the vehicle is defrosted, with some victims will go back into their home.  Please don’t leave your vehicle unattended, give yourself enough time to use de-icer and a scraper, and be able to warm up in your vehicle while the heater de-mists the windscreen. 


A message from the team:

Keep warm by adding an extra layer, please check on those neighbours around you, who you know are vulnerable to make sure that they are safe and well. 

If you know of anyone, a group, or even a street, in the St Matthew’s neighbourhood, that you think may benefit from being on WMNow, please let them know to contact us to get them signed up.


Keeping in touch with us:

The teams are out and about in your community, please stop to say hello to us. 

To get in touch with us at St Matthew’s NHT about community issues or intelligence that is not a 999 emergency, you can use the following ways:

On line via stmatthews@westmidlands.police.uk

You can follow us on X account @stmatthewsWMP

You can report crime, if it is not a 999 emergency, using: www.west-midlands.police.uk 


A thank you from the team:


For all volunteers that we have worked with and who have done their bit and continue to support their communities.

For those people who we have spoken with and have received intelligence from across the St Matthews patch. We are always happy to engage in conversation and listen to issues and concerns.

For those reading this update, if you would like to reply/rate this message, feel free to do so.


The St Matthew’s NHT 

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Message Sent By
Andrew Fishwick
(West Midlands Police, PCSO, WS St Matthew's T1)

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