The Police
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Cars left unattended to 'warm up' give out a clear message ' STEAL ME'!!

Every winter, cars are stolen from driveways across the West Midlands because owners leave them unattended, keys in the ignition, while they warm up and the windscreens defrost.

Some victims nip inside for just a few seconds to collect a bag or finish the last mouthful of coffee – but that’s all the time an opportunity thief needs.

Insurance companies many not pay out for cars stolen in this way – and if your house keys are taken as well, you’re making your home vulnerable.

Let's ‘freeze out’ car thieves on frosty mornings, by ensuring that:

  • Clear windscreens with de-icer and a scraper
  • Sit in your vehicle while the heater de-mists the windscreen

    If you see anyone acting suspiciously, call


    And ask for your local police station

    And if you ‘see’ a crime being committed call






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    Message Sent By
    Desnie Dance
    (Police, PCSO, Stourbridge - Lye and Amblecote - Team 2)

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