Here’s a Here’s a quick round up for you from the Darlaston & Bentley team If you want to report anything to us anonymously you can via| Crime stoppers (crimestoppers-uk.org) – you can call them on 0800 555 111 Here’s our weekly roundup of what’s been happening on the Darlaston beat this week 1x Community meeting at the Darlaston library (these will be an on-going appointment) Next meeting 15/02/25 @ 11:00 am 1x Joint visits with housing association officers due to ongoing ASB issues 1x Collaborative joint operation with Police and IKEA at Wednesbury Numerous issues with off road bikes, any information please contact us via the 101 number Various inputs have taken place in relation to knife crime And as always there have been 5 visits to local schools in regards to inconsiderate and dangerous parking practices, PAVEMENTS ARE FOR PEDESTRIANS NOT TO BE USED AS A CAR PARK.
Crime Prevention and Advice Our officers are working around the clock to keep you safe, but we need your help if we’re to stop criminals in their tracks. Our website is full of crime prevention advice to help keep you, your loved ones and your valuables safe. Search WMP crime prevention or visit: www.westmidlands.police.uk/cp/crime-prevention. We also have websites with detailed information around specific crimes, that might prove useful for you. For tips to keep your home safe, view: 27-station-road.westmidlands.police.uk To help keep your car secure, visit: stealer-street.westmidlands.police.uk For support around knife crime, view: lifeorknife.west-midlands.police.uk For advice and support around abuse, visit: https://noexcuseforabuse.info/ https://noexcuseforabuse.info/ You can report crime or suspicious behaviour anonymously via CrimeStoppers. You can call them on 0800 555 111 or via their website at www.crimestoppers-uk.org Business and community burglary | Your Options | West Midlands Police (west-midlands.police.uk) Residential burglary | Your Options | West Midlands Police (west-midlands.police.uk) Theft from motor vehicle | Your Options | West Midlands Police (west-midlands.police.uk) Theft of motor vehicle | Your Options | West Midlands Police (west-midlands.police.uk)
PCSO T Hinton | ||||
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