The Police
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Forthcoming Police Tasking Meeting-12th March 2025

Dear residents of the Brandwood Ward,


We welcome the community to join us at the next Brandwood Ward Neighbourhood Tasking meeting held in your area.


This meeting is an opportunity for local residents to tell us about their concerns, which may relate to anti-social behaviour, inconsiderate parking, fly tipping, graffiti or any other type of concern that the Police, or partner agencies may be able to help you with.


Your Neighbourhood Tasking Meeting will be on  Wednesday 12th March at 7.30pm.

The location is :Brandwood Centre, 157 Allens Croft Road, Kings Heath, B14 6RP



If you are unable to attend this meeting, you can still let us know what your local issues are by calling 101, or by visiting our website in order to access a range of help and advice, and to report crime or incidents online on the following link https://www.westmidlands.police.uk/incident-report , or use our live chat facility everyday between 8am and midnight, Here is the webchat link https://westmidlands.police.uk/contact-us/live-chat


If you wish to report any suspicious or any criminal activity that is not a crime in progress, or a threat to life or property, then please call 101 ( non-emergency incident ) or crime stoppers anonymously on 0800555111. 





Brandwood Ward Police team


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Message Sent By
nadeem mahmood
(Police, Police Community Support Officer, Brandwood ward bwmc)

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